The Threat of a Growing TBR Pile

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
You would probably think that with Christmas coming soon I would be content to sit back, wait a few weeks, and allow the book gift certificates to pour in, allowing me to save money but still get the books I want.

Apparently I don't have whatever gene it is that grants patience. Instead I find myself on Fictionwise and Amazon pretty much everyday scouring for new books to add to my ever expanding TBR pile. Thank God I've moved more towards eBooks (thanks to the lovely gift I received recently of a Sony PRS-505 eReader). Otherwise the pile of books that I would have amassed would probably topple over and kill me in my sleep.
Although, being able to buy books and have them available to me immediately on the reader is certainly not a help to my bank account.

Ah well, I guess those are simply the pitfalls of being an avid (and impatient) reader.